taking stock....

Written on 10:07 PM by Kristen

I don't like new years resolutions. We make them when we're fed up with the previous year, and exhausted from all the holidays and celebrations. A week, a day, or so later you break them and you're right back where you were in 2008 kicking your own (a**).
I prefer an end of January "how's it going" type of reflection. How has 2009 been so far.?

Joined a gym and went fairly often
Visited my best friends
Got a raise at work
Have a manager that thinks I go a good job, and tells other people too
Baked 3 new successful cookie recipes
Took down my christmas decorations (which were fabulous!)
Had one guilt-free sick day off of work
Finally watched a movie I'd been meaning to watch

Not so good:
Spent a lot, saved a little
Stayed up way too late way too often
Have yet to turn on my old computer, much less transfer the files
My stack of things to file is growing exponentially
Ikea table is still bare and unpainted
Stacks of clean laundry are also multiplying (drawer-a-phobia?)
Still late to work (this may never change)

Not so bad for 4 weeks into the new year. Without the Not So Good list I might become spontaneously conceited or worse.... boring!

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