O. M. G.

Written on 11:09 PM by Kristen

Like Holy Cow. we have a new Miss America.
How could I miss something so darn important.

Ahem.... My Captions: (Alison please recite in your finest Valley Girl)

Miss America... "Oh My GAWWW I can't shut my mouth."

Girl in Blue Dress.... "You skank, you look like Madonna in Like a Virgin. Who did you have to sleep with?..... Hey, are my boobs even?"

Girl in Black Dress... " Ohhh crap. I slept with the wrong judge"

Miss America.... "Oh my Gawww!!! this really hurts my brain. Yes I'll marry you.. I do. I do... Ohh, that's not what this is?"

That's OK Miss America, at least you get a job and a cash prize instead of this.

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  1. Alison |

    Hahahahaahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! Love it! Especially the "I do!" :D

  2. Erica |

    Oh geez. Slade is no consolation prize. ICCCKKKK!!!

    And what the crap is up with that lace monstrosity of a dress?

  3. Matthew Ware |

    I think people need maps because then they will know where countries are....

    Wisdom before beauty :)


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