What the???

Written on 7:23 PM by Kristen

Yes I work in an alternate reality but sometimes it starts to seem a little normal. I get used to the surroundings and maybe let my guard down more than I should. I'm sitting in the office kitchen waiting for my microwave lunch to be ready when I take a glance at something sitting on the table.
Can anyone spot what's wrong with this picture? I almost didn't eat my lunch after this. I kinda even am having a gag moment right now.

Please to enjoy......
Your comments please, because I am too grossed out to elaborate. I also must add that I was once offered "ox tails" at work. Are there really a multitude of oxen running around without their tails? Are we so down on the food chain that we can't even eat like oxen steak, we have to resort to the tail?
Please could I get that with some extra napkins and a gallbladder replacement?

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  1. Alison |

    Neckbones?? What the? "Oxen steak"? Ha!

    Are you working with a bunch of people who were raised outside the U.S. or something? Cause neckbones and oxen tails are just a little out there, even for the iron-stomach sect.

  2. Grom |

    Hey now! Neckbones are good eating!

  3. Maigen |

    Gross again!

  4. Anonymous |

    They're neck bones from a cow probably. It is good eating when prepared properly. It's a traditional Sunday meal in some black folks homes. I guess if you weren't raised in the south, didn't have parents not from the south, or hung out with black folk, you probably wouldn't know what it is. Serve it with greens and yams and homemade cornbread, that's a good meal. Politely ask some of your black co-workers, they'll tell you.


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