When's Lunch....??

Written on 10:15 AM by Kristen

Cube to my left... "blah blah blahhh (cell phone) blah bah.... I am so commited to my job... blah blah blah""

2 Cubes over.... "Check Yo Trade Christian... I's got important work here to do... ...(leaves her desk)......."

A few rows over...... "Get away from my desk.... burn the faxes.... I'm training........(fake heart attack)..... more yelling....... (leaps over cube to strangle me).......... magically gets out of work"

A wise colleague of mine once said.....

"it's like we're in a vortex of hate that slows time".

Actually it was Demi, and it was about 20 minutes ago. When you find yourself starting the countdown to lunch at 9:30 am... what's a working girl to do?

I find that making lists helps to solve my problems, or at least keep me distracted. So I've compiled a list of job alternatives. Maybe the problem isn't me, it's really that the job isn't hacking it.

Kristen's Fantasy Careers:

1. Spa Facilities and Services Tester

2. Doggy Massage Therapist

3. Therapy Human to dogs (like therapy dogs but the other way around)

4. Shoe Model

5. Samantha Brown's body double

6. Ben and Jerry's Flavor Inventor/Quality Control

7. General Advice Guru

8. Disney Character Voice

Demi's Fantasy Job suggestions:

1. Godiva Chocolate Tester


3. Swiss Cheese Hole Maker (using Jessica Simpson high heels)

My parachute may quite possibly rainbow swirls with paw prints.

Feel free to comment and add your own Fantasy Jobs to the list.

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  1. Unknown |

    I love your list! You and I are a lot alike. I think a doggy massager would be a good one for you.

    I haven't the time to actually put any thought into a fantasy job list. However i think owning a cupcake shaped building with pink icing and multicolored sprinkles would be awesome! Oh yeah and we would sell cupcakes:)

  2. Erica |

    wow. "a vortex of hate that slows time". I have totally been there.

    My dream jobs are 1) square on Hollywood Squares 2) movie critic
    3) stay at home dog mother or alpha dog trainer

    I think i might also enjoy casting movies and miniseries. I am good at knowing actors and picking out talent. I would be fabulous I think.


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